This page lists courses that are not included in a Research Administration Certification Program and are eligible for continuing education credits.
Live Session Opportunities
University-Wide Town Halls & Central Office/Management Center Meetings
University-wide Research Administration Town Halls fall into CE Category A because they provide institutional compliance, systems, and business process information.
Management center updates provided by ORA or CRAM and town halls for the entire research administration community may be offered throughout the year. Management center-specific (MNMC or Campus) updates are in CE Category B and are limited to 25% of the annual CE requirement.
Details on these types of meetings are communicated through the Research Insider Newsletter and posted to myRESEARCHpath.
Hosted Webinars
OERAF regularly facilitates webinars in our LMS from sponsors or professional development organizations as continuing education opportunities. These may also include in-person discussion sessions or quizzes to obtain full credit for the opportunity. Topics and the number of CE hours will vary based on the webinar. CE hours will include time spent viewing the webinar and time spent in any facilitated discussions.
Professional Organizations
External professional organizations may also provide training and skills development opportunities that can count toward your annual CE requirements. You can submit requests for such opportunities by following the instructions provided on our Continuing Education website.
Note: these are not all the organizations whose conference attendance may count toward CE credit. Contact OERAF if you have attended a Research Administration-related conference and would like for it to count toward your non-Duke continuing education allowable CE hours (no more than 50% of credit annually).
LMS Reminders
Training administered by the Office of Education for Research Administration and Finance (OERAF) in support of Duke University research administrators can be found in the Duke Learning Management System (LMS). Registration for all classes is in the Duke LMS. The links below will take you to the LMS registration page for each course.
Detailed instructions with screenshots are available in our Search, Register & Drop Classes in the LMS Guide.
You can search the LMS manually by category to find courses that provide continuing education credits.
- Go to
- Click Advanced Search in the Catalog Search box on the LMS Homepage.
- Click the Category box and type "Research Administration" to filter the options
- Select "Research Administration" from the results in the dropdown to add it to the Category box
- Click the Search Learning Catalog button
More detailed instructions with screenshots are available in our Search, Register & Drop Classes in the LMS Guide.